Xpeer course: Gut Microbiota and metabolic disease
Join renowned expert Prof. Karine Clément, professor of nutrition, as she guides you through the "relationship between the gut microbiota and metabolic diseases". Get trained for free here !
This article is based on scientific information
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52% Just 1 in 2 people having suffered from a digestive condition involving the microbiota had made the connection
Synopsis of the course
- In the last years, more and more discoveries have shed light into the complex interaction between the gut microbiota and its human host. Its influence, although still not fully understood, ranges from helping defend against pathogens, and help digest otherwise indigestible foods, to maintain the gut barrier integrity, but also modulate human health and metabolism. This last one is particularly important because more recent studies have suggested that the gut microbiota may be implicated in metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
- Obesity is a complex disease and can have major consequences on health. Obesity was recently recognized as a chronic disease by The European Commission in March 2021. Then, in this course you will explore some studies which give some clue of the role of gut microbiota in human biology. Moreover, this course will give you an in-depth review of the importance of gut microbiota diversity and composition, and its relationship with different metabolic disorders, but also its variations between cultures, ethnicities and lifestyles. In this course you will understand to the molecular level how the gut microbiota affects the host biology, through its involvement in the intestinal structure and integrity, food digestion, and production of many metabolites. Finally, you will acquire the skills to better integrate the gut microbiota aspects into your clinical practice, and the knowledge of how it can be beneficial for your patients.
Who is Pr Karine Clément?
- Pr Karine Clément, MD, PhD, is full professor of Nutrition at University Pierre and Marie Curie, Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital in Paris. She is the former director (2011-2017) of the Institute of Cardio-Metabolism and Nutrition (ICAN) and of an INSERM/university team called “NutriOmics”. Her team works on several aspects of the complex pathophysiology of human obesity, particularly exploring tissue alterations (such as adipose tissue depots, liver, intestine), modified cross-talks and links with comorbidities during human obesity progression and weight loss.
- Pr Karine Clements’ team investigated gut microbiota changes induced by dietary changes and bariatric surgery and described significant modifications of bacterial gene richness, bacterial groups and links with metabolic and inflammation phenotypes related to obesity. She published more than 300 papers in the field.
- She is member and expert of several national and international scientific committees in obesity and metabolism and contributes to several European Networks. She coordinates METACARDIS a European program on gut microbiota and cardiometabolic.
What is Xpeer?
Xpeer Medical Education is the first accredited medical education app in the market, with video microlearning engaging videos of just 5 minutes.
With a powerful algorithm to personalize the user experience and the contents as the most popular entertaining streaming platforms, it offers a brand new experience for the continuing education and professional development of the healthcare professionals.
Accredited by the European Union of Medical Specialists, it delivers high quality scientific medical education pieces. On Xpeer, you will find this curriculum on Microbiota and 500 hours of medical education in 2021 in your specialty, technologies and professional and personal skills.
Information on accreditation
The app Xpeer is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide official ECMEC credits recognized officially in 26 countries.
The credits for the users of the module will be 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®) for every hour (60 minutes of actual e-learning excluding introductions etc.) of use, provided that the users have completed a module and have passed the relevant assessment.